Thursday, 31 March 2016

Good Friday

 Hi guys 😄 I'm so back! Meehehe :😂😂😂 This is probably my first post after almost... hmmmm two years. So I guess you guys also enjoyed the four long days vacation last week? Yes, the Holy Week. Well, on my end--- last Good Friday I and my friends went trekking at one of Valencia’s treasure, Casaroro Falls. It is considered to be the most photographed waterfall in the entire Negros province. I've been there thrice since college days but it still feels good to be back tho. And I'm gonna show you on this post some of our captured moments there.
Arrival (Me, Kaycee, Lyka & Noemi) from L-R

The gang 😂 (c) Bryan

Eheiyy 😜😜😜

Weeehhh ☺️☺️☺️

1-2-3 strike a pose 😂😂😂

Ludy Grace Binghay | The Wanderlust

Thursday, 7 August 2014

8th Monthsary

Here's a video I made through Movie Maker for our 8th monthsary. With the song entitled 'One Love' by Acel Bisa as it's background music. Happy watching!

Ludy Grace Binghay | The Wanderlust

Thursday, 31 July 2014


Blurry ☺

It's a fine Sunday with my date at the Bean Connection, Dumaguete City. Though it's already late, I'd still like to post these photos.☺ This is a kind of an advance celebration for our monthsary these month.

Ludy Grace Binghay | The Wanderlust

Monday, 18 November 2013

Everywhere I go

 Here's a song we sang on a wonderful sabbath day during our divine service.
 Listen here: Everywhere I go

Everywhere I go Lyrics

This is my journey, like Israel of old
I travel through the wilderness so far away from home
Though dangers surround me, though the night is long
The Lord is my light, my beacon and guide
My strength and my song

And I will be strong
I will walk unafraid
With the Lord as my companion every step along the way
Then come what may, I’ll live with courage in my heart
Because I know
He is with me everywhere I go

This is my journey, like Israel of old
I need not wander lost, nor seek to find my way alone
His presence before me is all that I require
The Lord is my light, my beacon and guide
My pillar of fire

(Repeat Chorus)

This is my journey,(This is my journey) and nothing will I fear(I will not fear)
The Lord my God will safely (The Lord my God) pilot me and keep
(will keep my pathway sure) my pathway sure
My help and my guardian (My help and guardian) to the journey’s end (to the journey’s end)
The Lord is my light, my beacon(and guide) and guide
My Savior (and friend) and Friend

And I will be strong (I will be strong)
I will walk unafraid (Walk unafraid)
With the Lord as my companion every step along the way
Then come what may, I’ll live with courage in my heart
Because I know
He is the Lord of heaven and earth
He is the perfect light of truth
And He is with me everywhere I go

Ludy Grace Binghay | The Wanderlust

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Thank you Lord :)

He is mighty good.

This is my first time blogging. And for my first post I love to share these one.

Ludy Grace Binghay | The Wanderlust